One good thing about blog surfing is finding great styles of cards that you have never seen or attempted before. I recently saw this Tri-Shutter Card on
Chantelle's blog. Chantelle provides a link to where she saw it but if you want to take a short cut,
here is the link. Now this style of card is really easy to make however it hasn't turned out exactly perfect. It doesn't want to fold down properly for me....a bit of a dilemma. The instructions say to use a 5.5" x 12" piece of card stock for the base and as I wanted to use Chocolate Chip as the base, I just used a standard piece of A4 which is just a bit shy of 12" long so I'm guessing that is why I'm having the folding drama.
I can fold it down a certain way but not the way it should be and because of this I can't add the front panel as shown in the tutorial. So, I thought the kids and I might let dad sleep in on Sunday and make him breakfast and when he comes to the table, this can be set up in front of him. The 2 brown panels are where I am going to write special messages from the kids. Due to my lack of manly papers and accessories, I hope the daddy in question doesn't mind some flowers and rhinestones.